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5 ways to get 100 Instagram followers in one day

5 ways to get 100 Instagram followers in one day

Do you ever wanted to get tons of followers on Instagram and become a influencer?

Well I’ll show you 5 ways to do this right now!

1. Use hashtags

This way will help you drastically increase followers, likes and reach but remember only use hashtags related to your niche and don’t overuse them.

20 hashtags in one post will definitely not help.

2. Follow and Follow back

Find some popular influencer related to your niche and start following his followers.

You can follow up to 200-350 people per day and 1 of 3 will definitely follow you back but remember they can even randomly unfollow you so it’s not that effective in a long run.

3. Facebook groups for Instagramers

Well this is one of best ways to get more reach.
Tens or hundreds of thousands people gather in these groups and share their Instagram to get followers daily.

You can start doing it to but don’t spam like a lot and post interesting content and remember to follow anyone back otherwise it will not work like it supposed to.

4. Repost popular people content

This helps you increase your reach and drastically increase follower count.

But remember to credit the post owner and this help you both in the long run.

You can even add in hashtags to make this step even more effective.

5.  Participate in trends

Post pictures or videos related with trends and maybe even do selfies.

It will not only boost your reach but may even get you more followers but only if your content is interesting for these people.

Well these are 5 ways to get 100 Instagram followers so stay tuned for more posts like this!

Follow me on Instagram @zimnickijrolandas

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