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how to start a blog in 2021 Archives - Finance & Business

How to start a blog in 2023

Are you looking for a guide on how to start a blog in 2021?

In this blog post i will guide you step by step on how to start own blog in 20 minutes!

How to Start a Blog in 7 Steps

  1. Pick a blog name and choose the best hosting. I suggest iv.lt (note it’s in lithuanian language).
  2. Customize your blog(decide between your design and decide on your main topic).
  3. Write and publish your first post(Share your wisdom with world on certain topics).
  4. Decide between plugins(Install only plugins that would help you grow your blog).
  5. Optimize your blog(Make it SEO friendly, optimize it’s speed, images and text lenght).
  6. Start promoting (Use fb ads or google ads for CPC advertisment or share your blog on social network).
  7. Start earning big money(After you reach certain point in your blog you can start money from affliate marketing or even simply using google adsense).

Should you start a blog?

One of the misconceptions about starting a blog is that you need to be a great writer to be successful.

This is not far from truth..

People read blogs to get a your perspective on things, so most bloggers write in a very informal and conversational style.

In addition, you don’t need to be an expert on any topics that you will write about to have a successful blog. For example, visitors to a game dev blog don’t want to read a 500 page book from a software genius, they want to hear the experiences of someone who has actually made a game.

To be successful as a blogger there is really one requirement: a passion for your topic.

At its heart, blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world. Writing about things that you are passionate about makes the process of starting a successful blog so much easier. As long as you are writing about things that you are genuinely interested in, your passion will shine through and keep your visitors interested.

So why would you go to the trouble of blogging? There are a few reasons:

  • Share your story. A blog allows you to have a voice and be heard. You can share your story with the entire world if you so choose. One of the most common ways blogs are used are as a diary where the blogger writes about their daily experiences so that friends, family, and others can all be a part of their lives.
  • Make money from home. Blogging can be quite lucrative if done correctly. The top bloggers in the world obviously earn quite a bit, but even a part-time blogger can expect to make a nice profit if things are done correctly. The best part about it is that blogging is a form of passive income, since you can spend just a few hours a week writing a piece of content and then continue to profit from it long after the the writing is finished. I go into much more detail on how to blog for money later in this guide.
  • Find a community. Blogging at its heart is interactive. You write a post and people comment on it. This is a good way to connect with people who are interested in the same things as you are. Blogging allows you to teach these people based on your experience, and it gives you the opportunity to learn from your readers as well.

Let’s start your blog!

1.Let’s decide on your topic/name for your blog.

First let’s decide on your topic and then we will be able to start thinking about name.

So for example you will be writing about life experiences..

So let’s name your blog Life with Rolandas or something like that.

Don’t forget we need to have a hosting before even starting a blog ..

IV.lt is the best website for web hosting because it’s cheap and is really fast.

2.Let’s start customizing your blog.

Let’s open up appearance > themes tab and start thinking what theme to use..

It mostly depends on your niche that your blog will have.

So for example gaming website would use gaming releted theme.

3.Write and publish your first post.

Well this is going to be easy right?

Not really first we need to decide on your topic and then let’s share it with world!

For example how to earn 100 dollars per week?

Let’s analyze and find all information needed about that..

Then let’s start writing.. my suggestion is to write around 500 words.

4.Decide between plugins.

Well this step is easy.

Our blog for example would only use plugins like Wordfence for security purpose.

Yoast SEO for search engine optimization .

And that’s basically it, all other plugins will be included on first installation.

5.Optimize your blog.

Well this step is need so we could attract massive amounts of traffic.

Install seo plugins just for search engine optimization, add keywords and categories, include alt text in images, and have correct image size and that’s basically it.

6.Start promoting.

Well we have some posts and don’t have traffic?

Let’s start promoting, share on social media like facebook or twitter.

If you have some money just advertise on google for specific keywords or use facebook ads and get needed traffic.

Remember some people might return to your website others will not because you need to have something new at least once a week.

7.Start earning big money.

You now have big amount traffic and have some followers?

Well now you can start to earn some money.

1.affliate marketing.

write about specific item or service and get comissions for getting sales or new clients.

2.Google AdSense

You get more than 1000 visitors per month?

That’s great now you can earn from 3-12 dollars per month depending on your niche!

It’s great start for everyone , because correctly optimized blog post can earn way more visitors each week and sometimes even get over 20.000 or even more visitors.


Have something to sell, or just planning to start print on demand store?

This is most effective way to get more money from blog, because your visitors will be interested in getting specific items related to your niche.

Use plugins like WooCommerce and Prinful for quick starting in selling!

Well i suppose this will be enough information good luck on starting your blog and i hope this will help you in becoming a blogger!





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