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How to get 1000 facebook likes Archives - Finance & Business

7 ways to increase your Facebook page likes and followers

7 ways to increase your Facebook page likes and followers

You just opened business page or a e-commerce store page or brand page and want to promote it?
Then these 7 steps will definitely help you!

1. Invite people to like it

Invite your friends or family to like your page this may help at first but most of them will not transform in to your organic page fan.
And if you overdo this Facebook might just block you.

2. Run Facebook ads.

Before starting a campaign remember to optimize it otherwise it will be like throwing money to air.
Select correct auditory that is relevant to your business.
Choose specific location and interests as well.
For example I choose United Kingdom and I want to advertise to males with interest for football.
Because only people with interests related to your page niche are ones that will most likely like your page and later convert into fans.

3. Share your page to Facebook groups

Find Facebook groups related to your page niche and start sharing at least once or twice of week.
Or just find groups that allow to advertise your pages like for example advertise your page.
But remember don’t overdo this because pages might just ban you from posting or people will not even spend their time checking your page out.

4.Run Contests

This step not only will help your page get likes but even increase your page activity like comments, shares and even more.
For example give away something to your fans like gift cards, merchandise or something else.
And simply make contest participation rules.
1. Like your page.
2. Comment down below.
3. Share this post.
4. Tag your friend
And this will drastically help you increase like amount and total page activity but remember don’t scam and really give something away otherwise it will ruin your page credibility.

5. Add Facebook page to your website

This will allow your visitors to like your page.
This will only work if you have huge amount of organic visitors.
Otherwise promoting Facebook page to 1-10 Facebook visitors per day is same thing like promoting to no one.

6. Word of mouth

Well this is one of offline advertising types.
Learn how to correctly use this advertisement type and this will get you many likes.
But only if you promote to people related to your page niche.

7. Page optimization and daily/weekly grinding

This is most important step.
Add page banner if you don’t have it yet.
Post weekly or daily and interact with your community.
This will show your fans that your page is actually active and sometimes they will share your page with their friends or simply share your posts.
But remember use images or videos as your post pages because they get most interaction and you can promote them with fb ads and get even more interaction.
Some of these ways are free and some of them are paid so be sure to use them correctly.

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