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how to earn more money as a 20 year old Archives - Finance & Business

8 ways to earn more money in 2023

8 ways to earn more money in 2023

Are you considering to quit your 9 to 5 job or just want to earn money on a side?
Then these 8 ways will definitely help you most of them will not need any huge investments at the start.

1. Print On Demand e-commerce website

This doesn’t require any huge investment only if you don’t have any skills on designing or advertising.
But if you do know at least basics.
Think of your main design theme and decide if you want to use shopify + printful or WordPress + woocommerce + printful.
Why printful?
Well I use printful because it’s way cheaper at least for me and has quick delivery schedule.

2. Start a blog

Well this will not need any money only for domain and hosting.
But you will need to spend a lot of time to spend on making content for website, optimizing your blog posts using basic seo and just wait.
Well it may take from 3 to 8 months until you will start getting big organic traffic.
You can also earn from affiliate marketing just simply write content like always and recommend certain products to your readers and get commissions for user purchases.
Sell things on your blog like for example t-shirts or any other merchandise or just sell your courses for specific topics that you specialize in.

3. Dropshipping

Well this may need some bigger investment.
Using shopify and spending money on advertising.
But most important thing is to research most trending products because this will get biggest ROI because otherwise you will just blow your money to air.
After getting certain amount of visitors you can monetize it and earn money by affiliate marketing or just by showing ads on your website.

4. Offer services

You have some knowledge on advertising, marketing, designing or anything else?
Use upwork and fiver or just use offline advertising like flyer Distribution or any other advertising type to get clients.
But remember every client that becomes happy with your services most likely will bring you more clients in return and get even more earnings.

5. YouTube channel

You like filming videos or have any knowledge that you want to share with world?
Then this is right for you!
Hardest thing is to get first 1000 subscribers and get monetized but after you reach this.
You may start earning from 1 to 12 dollars per 1000 views depending on your niche.

6. Start a side hustle

Well most likely it wouldn’t be great if I would miss this step.
Have any knowledge in specific services or have a passion?
Then start a side hustle and offer services to people or businesses but remember advertising is a must to get your first orders otherwise it would be a bad investment.

7. Vending machine business

Well have spare 1000€ or more buy a vending machine and a place where you would be able to place it.
Ask for permission of certain supermarkets or shops to place your vending machine.
And remember to restock and fix machine if it would get broken.

8. Get free or cheap items on Craigslist

Did you know that you can get more money by simply getting free stuff or buy something way cheaper and later reselling it on websites like amazon, eBay or even alibaba.
But remember that item has too be in good condition or it should not be broken.
So here are 8 ways to earn more money in 2021.

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