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Rolandas Zimnickij

Why do you need to get a credit card?

Why do I need a credit card?

Why everyone should have a credit card?
Many people usually ask this question.

Why do we need a credit card if we will get in debt?
Well first off all let me start by writing down all pros and cons for you.

Lets start with pros..

Get a first credit card spend around 25% of the credit limit.

Pay it back for 6 months and it will greatly boost your credit score.

With better credit score you can get even better credit cards like American express or Barclays travel card and get benefits for doing same strategy as you did before.

Also with better credit score you can get less interest on loans.

For example car loan or mortgages so to have better offers make sure to boost your credit score by using 25% rule 🙂

Get rewards like 10% cashback, discounts in stores, travel points for free travel and many more.

The more you use the card the higher chance credit card provider will increase your credit limit but remember never go above 25%.

Or it might be hard to pay it back.
Always try to pay that back within 3-4 weeks time frame.

Some credit cards will give you 0% balance transfers for certain amount of time or give you extra benefits like lounge access in the airport.

Now let’s move to cons..

Well one and only con is that if you Don’t pay it back in time you will have to pay back with interest it might be from 19-250% interest.

Yikes that’s a lot and also it will hurt your credit score a lot.

So be sure to use balance transfers if you have any and if you have one make sure to   pay back as soon as you can.

To prevent any late payments that can damage your credit history or prevent getting your credit limit lowered.

Thank you for your attention!

Views: 14

8 ways to earn more money in 2023

8 ways to earn more money in 2023

Are you considering to quit your 9 to 5 job or just want to earn money on a side?
Then these 8 ways will definitely help you most of them will not need any huge investments at the start.

1. Print On Demand e-commerce website

This doesn’t require any huge investment only if you don’t have any skills on designing or advertising.
But if you do know at least basics.
Think of your main design theme and decide if you want to use shopify + printful or WordPress + woocommerce + printful.
Why printful?
Well I use printful because it’s way cheaper at least for me and has quick delivery schedule.

2. Start a blog

Well this will not need any money only for domain and hosting.
But you will need to spend a lot of time to spend on making content for website, optimizing your blog posts using basic seo and just wait.
Well it may take from 3 to 8 months until you will start getting big organic traffic.
You can also earn from affiliate marketing just simply write content like always and recommend certain products to your readers and get commissions for user purchases.
Sell things on your blog like for example t-shirts or any other merchandise or just sell your courses for specific topics that you specialize in.

3. Dropshipping

Well this may need some bigger investment.
Using shopify and spending money on advertising.
But most important thing is to research most trending products because this will get biggest ROI because otherwise you will just blow your money to air.
After getting certain amount of visitors you can monetize it and earn money by affiliate marketing or just by showing ads on your website.

4. Offer services

You have some knowledge on advertising, marketing, designing or anything else?
Use upwork and fiver or just use offline advertising like flyer Distribution or any other advertising type to get clients.
But remember every client that becomes happy with your services most likely will bring you more clients in return and get even more earnings.

5. YouTube channel

You like filming videos or have any knowledge that you want to share with world?
Then this is right for you!
Hardest thing is to get first 1000 subscribers and get monetized but after you reach this.
You may start earning from 1 to 12 dollars per 1000 views depending on your niche.

6. Start a side hustle

Well most likely it wouldn’t be great if I would miss this step.
Have any knowledge in specific services or have a passion?
Then start a side hustle and offer services to people or businesses but remember advertising is a must to get your first orders otherwise it would be a bad investment.

7. Vending machine business

Well have spare 1000€ or more buy a vending machine and a place where you would be able to place it.
Ask for permission of certain supermarkets or shops to place your vending machine.
And remember to restock and fix machine if it would get broken.

8. Get free or cheap items on Craigslist

Did you know that you can get more money by simply getting free stuff or buy something way cheaper and later reselling it on websites like amazon, eBay or even alibaba.
But remember that item has too be in good condition or it should not be broken.
So here are 8 ways to earn more money in 2021.

Views: 22

How to start a blog in 2023

Are you looking for a guide on how to start a blog in 2021?

In this blog post i will guide you step by step on how to start own blog in 20 minutes!

How to Start a Blog in 7 Steps

  1. Pick a blog name and choose the best hosting. I suggest iv.lt (note it’s in lithuanian language).
  2. Customize your blog(decide between your design and decide on your main topic).
  3. Write and publish your first post(Share your wisdom with world on certain topics).
  4. Decide between plugins(Install only plugins that would help you grow your blog).
  5. Optimize your blog(Make it SEO friendly, optimize it’s speed, images and text lenght).
  6. Start promoting (Use fb ads or google ads for CPC advertisment or share your blog on social network).
  7. Start earning big money(After you reach certain point in your blog you can start money from affliate marketing or even simply using google adsense).

Should you start a blog?

One of the misconceptions about starting a blog is that you need to be a great writer to be successful.

This is not far from truth..

People read blogs to get a your perspective on things, so most bloggers write in a very informal and conversational style.

In addition, you don’t need to be an expert on any topics that you will write about to have a successful blog. For example, visitors to a game dev blog don’t want to read a 500 page book from a software genius, they want to hear the experiences of someone who has actually made a game.

To be successful as a blogger there is really one requirement: a passion for your topic.

At its heart, blogging is about sharing your knowledge with the world. Writing about things that you are passionate about makes the process of starting a successful blog so much easier. As long as you are writing about things that you are genuinely interested in, your passion will shine through and keep your visitors interested.

So why would you go to the trouble of blogging? There are a few reasons:

  • Share your story. A blog allows you to have a voice and be heard. You can share your story with the entire world if you so choose. One of the most common ways blogs are used are as a diary where the blogger writes about their daily experiences so that friends, family, and others can all be a part of their lives.
  • Make money from home. Blogging can be quite lucrative if done correctly. The top bloggers in the world obviously earn quite a bit, but even a part-time blogger can expect to make a nice profit if things are done correctly. The best part about it is that blogging is a form of passive income, since you can spend just a few hours a week writing a piece of content and then continue to profit from it long after the the writing is finished. I go into much more detail on how to blog for money later in this guide.
  • Find a community. Blogging at its heart is interactive. You write a post and people comment on it. This is a good way to connect with people who are interested in the same things as you are. Blogging allows you to teach these people based on your experience, and it gives you the opportunity to learn from your readers as well.

Let’s start your blog!

1.Let’s decide on your topic/name for your blog.

First let’s decide on your topic and then we will be able to start thinking about name.

So for example you will be writing about life experiences..

So let’s name your blog Life with Rolandas or something like that.

Don’t forget we need to have a hosting before even starting a blog ..

IV.lt is the best website for web hosting because it’s cheap and is really fast.

2.Let’s start customizing your blog.

Let’s open up appearance > themes tab and start thinking what theme to use..

It mostly depends on your niche that your blog will have.

So for example gaming website would use gaming releted theme.

3.Write and publish your first post.

Well this is going to be easy right?

Not really first we need to decide on your topic and then let’s share it with world!

For example how to earn 100 dollars per week?

Let’s analyze and find all information needed about that..

Then let’s start writing.. my suggestion is to write around 500 words.

4.Decide between plugins.

Well this step is easy.

Our blog for example would only use plugins like Wordfence for security purpose.

Yoast SEO for search engine optimization .

And that’s basically it, all other plugins will be included on first installation.

5.Optimize your blog.

Well this step is need so we could attract massive amounts of traffic.

Install seo plugins just for search engine optimization, add keywords and categories, include alt text in images, and have correct image size and that’s basically it.

6.Start promoting.

Well we have some posts and don’t have traffic?

Let’s start promoting, share on social media like facebook or twitter.

If you have some money just advertise on google for specific keywords or use facebook ads and get needed traffic.

Remember some people might return to your website others will not because you need to have something new at least once a week.

7.Start earning big money.

You now have big amount traffic and have some followers?

Well now you can start to earn some money.

1.affliate marketing.

write about specific item or service and get comissions for getting sales or new clients.

2.Google AdSense

You get more than 1000 visitors per month?

That’s great now you can earn from 3-12 dollars per month depending on your niche!

It’s great start for everyone , because correctly optimized blog post can earn way more visitors each week and sometimes even get over 20.000 or even more visitors.


Have something to sell, or just planning to start print on demand store?

This is most effective way to get more money from blog, because your visitors will be interested in getting specific items related to your niche.

Use plugins like WooCommerce and Prinful for quick starting in selling!

Well i suppose this will be enough information good luck on starting your blog and i hope this will help you in becoming a blogger!





Views: 29

5 ways to get 100 Instagram followers in one day

5 ways to get 100 Instagram followers in one day

Do you ever wanted to get tons of followers on Instagram and become a influencer?

Well I’ll show you 5 ways to do this right now!

1. Use hashtags

This way will help you drastically increase followers, likes and reach but remember only use hashtags related to your niche and don’t overuse them.

20 hashtags in one post will definitely not help.

2. Follow and Follow back

Find some popular influencer related to your niche and start following his followers.

You can follow up to 200-350 people per day and 1 of 3 will definitely follow you back but remember they can even randomly unfollow you so it’s not that effective in a long run.

3. Facebook groups for Instagramers

Well this is one of best ways to get more reach.
Tens or hundreds of thousands people gather in these groups and share their Instagram to get followers daily.

You can start doing it to but don’t spam like a lot and post interesting content and remember to follow anyone back otherwise it will not work like it supposed to.

4. Repost popular people content

This helps you increase your reach and drastically increase follower count.

But remember to credit the post owner and this help you both in the long run.

You can even add in hashtags to make this step even more effective.

5.  Participate in trends

Post pictures or videos related with trends and maybe even do selfies.

It will not only boost your reach but may even get you more followers but only if your content is interesting for these people.

Well these are 5 ways to get 100 Instagram followers so stay tuned for more posts like this!

Follow me on Instagram @zimnickijrolandas

Views: 22

7 ways to increase your Facebook page likes and followers

7 ways to increase your Facebook page likes and followers

You just opened business page or a e-commerce store page or brand page and want to promote it?
Then these 7 steps will definitely help you!

1. Invite people to like it

Invite your friends or family to like your page this may help at first but most of them will not transform in to your organic page fan.
And if you overdo this Facebook might just block you.

2. Run Facebook ads.

Before starting a campaign remember to optimize it otherwise it will be like throwing money to air.
Select correct auditory that is relevant to your business.
Choose specific location and interests as well.
For example I choose United Kingdom and I want to advertise to males with interest for football.
Because only people with interests related to your page niche are ones that will most likely like your page and later convert into fans.

3. Share your page to Facebook groups

Find Facebook groups related to your page niche and start sharing at least once or twice of week.
Or just find groups that allow to advertise your pages like for example advertise your page.
But remember don’t overdo this because pages might just ban you from posting or people will not even spend their time checking your page out.

4.Run Contests

This step not only will help your page get likes but even increase your page activity like comments, shares and even more.
For example give away something to your fans like gift cards, merchandise or something else.
And simply make contest participation rules.
1. Like your page.
2. Comment down below.
3. Share this post.
4. Tag your friend
And this will drastically help you increase like amount and total page activity but remember don’t scam and really give something away otherwise it will ruin your page credibility.

5. Add Facebook page to your website

This will allow your visitors to like your page.
This will only work if you have huge amount of organic visitors.
Otherwise promoting Facebook page to 1-10 Facebook visitors per day is same thing like promoting to no one.

6. Word of mouth

Well this is one of offline advertising types.
Learn how to correctly use this advertisement type and this will get you many likes.
But only if you promote to people related to your page niche.

7. Page optimization and daily/weekly grinding

This is most important step.
Add page banner if you don’t have it yet.
Post weekly or daily and interact with your community.
This will show your fans that your page is actually active and sometimes they will share your page with their friends or simply share your posts.
But remember use images or videos as your post pages because they get most interaction and you can promote them with fb ads and get even more interaction.
Some of these ways are free and some of them are paid so be sure to use them correctly.

Views: 35

5 Steps to get first 1000 visitors on your website for free.

5 Steps to get 1000 visitors on your website for free.

Our main topic for today is how to get 1000 visitors for free.
Nowadays there are many blogs being created daily but most of them struggle to get visitors at all.
For some people it’s impossible to get 1000 visitors at all.
You know why?
They post irrelevant or boring articles and most of times can’t even write proper content.
Here are 5 proven ways to get 1000 visitors fast for free.

1. Facebook Groups.

Well nowadays many people use social networks right?
Facebook isn’t a exception.
Every day tens or even hundreds of groups are being created with specific topics.
So just find 3 most popular groups related to your topic and advertise your articles there at least twice a week.
But only do this if they are allowing advertising!

2. Twitter hash tags.

Well this one doesn’t need much explanation.
If you don’t use Twitter just create one.
Find most popular hash tags related to your topic and just tweet about your article and add these hash tags and I would suggest only 3 hash tags if you use more it might count as a spam and less people will see it.

3. Basic SEO

You don’t have to be smart or pay money to do this..
Just use free tools to analyze your website keywords, description, compress images and speed up your website and then with every blog post just keep it optimized and every time you will have a little more visitors and your page might even reach first Google page overtime.

4. Reddit link posting.

This one in some way is same thing like posting on social networks.
Just find reddits related to your blog niche and post your advertisements there and you may get more visitors overtime depending on your content.
My recommendation is to repost once a week on all reddits that allow advertising otherwise you might get banned or just people will no longer by interested in your website.

5. Daily Blog posting.

This one is definitely a game changer if you ask me.
Post interesting blog posts that would give some value to your visitors and optimize every blog post and within a week you may see big results if you use correct titles like for example how to get 1000 visitors in a month or something like that.
There are even more ways to do this so I will just mention them without any description.
1. Advertising on YouTube channel.
2. Pay for CPC on Google ads.
3. Pay for Facebook ads.
4. Guest blog posting.
5. Posting on forums related to your niche.
6. Flyers with advertisement.
7. Video ads on YouTube.
8. Promoting mouth to mouth.
9. Billboard advertisement.
10. Outsourcing with seo and ad agencies.
So these are other ways you could also advertise your website some of them require money and others don’t you can also try them and get great results.
And now you know how to get 1000 visitors for free so use this knowledge wisely!

Views: 20

5 reasons why Flyer Distribution is still effective

5 reasons why Flyer Distribution is still effective

Flyer distribution is one of the oldest methods of marketing types used a lot by companies and have been used it since long time.
Even in this digital age, flyer distribution works effectively.
Social media marketing and emails may have become biggest and most important part of marketing but that hasn’t driven flyer distribution off the road.

Many experts suggest that flyer advertising is still very effective and that flyer advertising to home owners is still among the best strategies for advertising online.
With proper plan, design and strategy flyer distribution will get you the biggest return of invesment.

Flyer printing stipulates a great opportunity to advertise within restricted budged and at the very same time generates real results.
The real key thing here is to pickthe venue for distribution for your flyers and establish places when ever your target may be usually found.
Your flyer must be designed in such way that it provides reasons and helps you generate desire to buy your product or order service.

1. Low expense of advertising
Unlike other forms of advertising, you don’t need to have a huge budgets
for flyer distribution.

2. Speedy lead generation
How much time does it really take to distribute flyers? And if you are
doing it at the right time and at the right place, flyer distribution is
probably the best way to generate leads.

3. Immediate reply and reaching across to the correct target audience
With flyer advertising, you won’t need to sit and wait patiently for a long time to get a response. Reply is almost instant. Also, searching for and reaching you target audience is simpler than any other medium. All you
need to do is set up your flyer distribution at a place near your target audience.

4. It’s creative
There are very few limitations, if any, when it comes to flyer advertising. You have all the creative freedom to try out whatever you want.

5. Old-school is awesome
You just cannot deny this, can you? One of the major reasons why flyer advertising still appeals to customers is because it reminds them of the good old days. Also, with flyers, there is a strange kind of curiosity. Unlike emails, people are not in a hurry to trash it, which automatically ups the chances of your flyer getting read.

Advertising using flyers is an affordable manner of delivering your goods or services to your own potential clients. When it comes to flyer distribution, selecting the right service is of utmost importance since it actually plays a vital function in promoting your company. Flyer distribution campaigns are an attractive way to gain more potential clients. A terrific flyer design is the best way to showcase your business to customers.


Views: 20

10 Reasons to Promote Your Business

10 Reasons to Promote Your Business

Advertising can be one of the most important aspects of your business. In most cases, this allows you to do a few more together to reach new customers to increase sales or even make your business more visible.

But there are times when businesses don’t know if it’s worth investing in advertising or making a very small advertising budget but investing in advertising is always important whether you have gold hands or are a professional and here are 10 reasons why advertising is your best friend

10. Advertising builds brand loyalty.

Advertising gives a company or business the opportunity to attract more customers and build long-term relationships.

This gives the customer a sense of understanding and trust, ensuring that customers remain loyal.

The text and images used in the ads usually draw your desired audience, thus gaining a loyal customer for your business.

9. Advertising increases business traffic.

Many users are most likely to visit companies on the site after reviewing the ad.

More consumers means more sales and more sales means more business for you.

8. Advertising gives your business a positive image.

Advertising gives your company a positive image – it informs consumers and competitors that you are open and ready for business. Dynamic and positive advertising can attract consumers to your business, regardless of the economy and competition.

7. Advertising attracts more customers.

Advertising attracts new customers – the market is constantly changing and new users are moving to and from your area. New users mean the new target audience your ads will reach. Advertising shows consumers who are new to the market that your business is the most popular and the one they want to visit.

6. Advertising encourages repeat business.

Advertising encourages repeat business – with all the choices available to consumers, loyal customers have left the previous business many times in search of other options. Advertising reminds consumers why they choose your business first and why they should continue to choose you in the future.

5. Advertising helps your business compete.

Advertising helps your business compete. There are only so many consumers in the market who want to buy your product at any time. Advertising helps companies keep up the game and compete with other companies. Advertising is how you convince a user that you are the one they should choose.

4. Advertising creates a continuous business.

Advertising creates continuous business – not every consumer will need your business product today, but there will always be a new consumer ready to buy every day. Advertising makes sure the consumer knows that when the need arises, your business will help them. A constant number of users visiting your business is the first step to increasing your sales. The more users you have, the more business you will have. Advertising creates business now and in the future.

3. Advertising is the most important mind of a customer.

Because of advertising, your business is the most important mind of the customer – with so many options for consumers, they will often want to shop around and compare different products. Advertising ensures that your business is always in front of the consumer, and reminds the consumer why they should choose you.

2. The ad is constantly updating your user.

Advertising constantly updates your user – when a new product or event can be shown, advertising allows the user to be informed and know the details. Advertising benefits your user, not forces your user to hunt for information.

1. Advertising brings you profits.

Advertising makes money for your business – what it is; Advertising works. Advertising attracts customers to your business and increases your sales. When consumers see strong and positive advertising, they want to buy and are ready to choose your business. Invest in advertising for your business and watch it grow and run successfully.

Views: 9